26 / 01 / 2015

DRUTEX becomes a partner of the Assembly Championships at BUDMA fairs!

On 10-13th March, during this year's Budma fairs in Poznan, there will be Assembly Championships organized.  Two Polish Assembly Champions will be selected in two categories: woodwork installation and technical advice. They will receive the title of Polish Assembly Masters and valuable prizes.

DRUTEX has been actively promoting the proper assembly among its trading partners, and therefore has been training them in terms of assembly rules and windows technology. The company has also decided to support a nationwide educational program Champions of Woodwork Assembly, which aim is to promote proper assembly and educate assemblers in terms of new trends and assembly possibilities. Thanks to these initiatives there has been a book for assemblers issued.  Hundreds of assemblers took part in the program and extended their knowledge concerning new efficient assembly methods. All participants trained who passed the exams received diplomas confirming their knowledge. DRUTEX organizes such trainings on regular basis to ensure its clients with high quality products and professional service.
Thus, the involvement in the Assembly Championships which take place during Budma fairs is a consequence of the company’s current strategy. Assemblers and technical advisors may be nominated by each company.

We invite you to participate in the program and see you in Poznan!

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