Iglo Light window from Drutex has received the prestigious Top Builder 2017 award.
DRUTEX has won the top prize in „100% Polish Product” contest organized by the ‘Do Rzeczy’ weekly that promotes the best Polish products.
DRUTEX, który od lat wspiera różnego rodzaju wydarzenia sportowe i kulturalne zaangażował się w tym roku w wyjątkowy muzyczny projekt „Gintrowski – a jednak coś po nas zostanie”
DRUTEX, the leading producer of vertical windows in Europe, is currently refreshing its company image by introducing a new visual identity.
DRUTEX is constantly working towards increasing its market position. In the Rzeczpospolita daily 2000 List of Polish Companies DRUTEX turned out to be the biggest producer of vertical windows...
DRUTEX receives the SITPMB Honorary Gold Badge, and the president Leszek Gierszewski is awarded a distinction from the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction.