Bytów bol cez predposledný septembrový víkend na jeden deň hlavným mestom amatérskej cyklistiky, a to všetko vďaka závodu ORLEN Lang Team Race, ktorého partnerom bola spoločnosť DRUTEX S.A.
The final countdown is already in progress. The 79th Tour de Pologne UCI World Tour – one of the most important cycling races in the world – will take place on 30 July. Once again, this event will be attended by our company, which is the Official Sponsor, Logistics Partner and Sponsor of the "Stage Winner" Classification of the Tour de Pologne.
Between 12 and 15 July this year, more than 700 exhibitors from around the world came to Nuremberg to take part in the Fensterbau Frontale trade fair. Despite being held in summer, this year's fair proved very popular with customers, especially since this marked the first time that Fensterbau Frontale returned after a four-year hiatus caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Londýnsky veľtrh Grand Designs Live – Excel London bol pre nás mimoriadne úspešný.
Dňa 6. mája sa v sídle našej spoločnosti uskutočnila 2. študentská konferencia „Okno na stavebníctvo“.
Naša firma zvíťazila v druhom vydaní rebríčka Poland's Best Employers 2022 v kategórii Stavebníctvo.